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Why do we have a STRESS FREE guarantee? For us, great customer service is just as important as the product that we sell; in-fact, it is all part of the same package. We don’t just design and deliver luxury marquees, we provide a complete end-to-end service that includes all of the elements needed for a luxury event experience.

Stress Free guaranteeThere are lots of marquee companies out there, each occupying its own unique space in the marketplace – from cost effective functional tent providers to those delivering high end, luxury temporary venue spaces – and each offering their own unique level of customer service too.

Great customer service should be par for the course

For us as a luxury marquee supplier, impeccable levels of customer service have always been par for the course. But over the years we’ve heard some horror stories and have come to understand that this simply isn’t the mindset of every event supplier.

Whether they are cutting corners in order to fit customers budgets or to maximise their own profit lines, it seems that some suppliers believe that customer service levels are fair game.

It’s a mindset that we simply don’t recognise. We have always taken great pride in the high standards we set for ourselves and that’s why we decided to create our own customer service charter, a 10 point STRESS FREE guarantee that holds our customer service levels and products to account on every marquee that we deliver.

So, what is our STRESS FREE guarantee?

We decided to build our customer service guarantee around the mnemonic STRESS FREE. Why? Hopefully it speaks for itself, but it’s our belief that customer service should always be stress free, and when it isn’t there should always be a mechanism in place for correcting any issues that arise as quickly and painlessly as possible.

See our STRESS FREE guarantee for yourself!

Superb, impartial advice
Will be given throughout the process when and we’ll deliver on every promise that we make.

There are no hidden costs
All charges and any subsequent alterations will be agreed in advance of any work taking place.

Requests and queries
Will be replied to within two working days.

Emergency contacts will be available 24/7
During your event we’ll have real people ready to take your call in the event of an emergency.

Sites will be left as we find them
Weather permitting… once the event has finished you’ll never know we had been there!

Services will be provided by fully qualified staff
Power lighting and heating will be supplied by fully qualified professionals, and we’ll give you their contact details for added peace of mind.


Final checks to your contracted items
We carry out extensive checks to ensure that everything we promise has been delivered before your event takes place.

Realistic timescales will be set and adhered to
Your Marquee installation will be completed and delivered on time and to the agreed standard.

Ensured wet weather plan
We’ll make sure that a comprehensive wet weather contingency plan is put in place so that your event is a success no matter what mother nature has in mind!

Exceptional service
You’ll want to recommend us to your friends!


Why not put our STRESS FREE guarantee to the test?

If you are considering holding a marquee event then you’ll want to ensure that everything goes as smoothly as possible. We don’t think you’ll find any other marquee companies out there that are willing to guarantee their service in the same way that we do.

Our consultative approach means that we listen to our client’s ideas, only guiding and steering when and where required to help our customers achieve the event of their dreams. We offer free estimates, quotes and site visits and would love to help you to create your next event.

Talk to a member of our team on 01483 322070 or email to find out more! For us, customer service begins from the moment that you get in touch.