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Gary Duarte

Wedding photographers

We all have friends and family members who are keen amateur photographers, some of them are pretty good too. But there’s a world of difference between taking nice photos in your spare time and getting it right for a loved one’s wedding day photoshoot. We caught up with wedding photographer Matt Pereira to find out why he strongly recommends hiring a professional to capture those special moments from your big day.

“I can see the appeal of using friends or family, weddings are expensive and you can save  money by asking someone you know to take your photos. But it really isn’t worth the risk? There are so many variables and pressures on a wedding day photoshoot that even some professional photographers shy away from taking them on.

Wedding Photographer“For starters, wedding days rarely run to time and this can throw inexperienced photographers out. All it takes is a bit of traffic en-route to the venue and your relaxed hour long slot for photos suddenly turns into a 10 minute rush – you’ll still want those great photos, recording memories that will last a lifetime. A professional photographer will have seen it all before and will know exactly what to do.”

Matt explains  “It’s easy and understandable to see why an inexperienced photographer might crumble under the pressure. There will be lots of people looking to you for direction, an expectant bride and groom, a vicar or Matt_Pereira_Wed04_WEBregistrar tapping their wristwatch – it isn’t easy.

“Throw mother nature into the mix and you’ve got a recipe for disaster. The sun is never where you want it, sometimes it’s too bright or a cloud drifts across at the vital moment. Rain, wind, hail or snow…” as a professional Matt has seen it all.

“It can be really challenging. I can’t imagine the pressure you’d be under as a family member or a friend tasked with such an important job. This is the Black and white wedding imagebiggest day of the couple’s life and the one tangible record of it (Other than the certificate) will be the photos. You wouldn’t want to get it wrong would you?”

We shudder to think of the damage it could do to  a friendship or family relationships if the mother in law’s head is cut out of  a picture!

“It’s a lot of pressure to put on a friend or family member just to save a few pounds. Directing a photoshoot is a skill that a professional will have developed over a number of years. They will be unbiased when they point the camera, looking for the best shots not the least awkward.

“I’ve heard of examples where the vast majority of  photos taken have been of one side of the family or the other – purely because the family member taking the pictures was much more comfortable directing people they knew rather than people they’d just met.”

Matt PerieraA professional is  adept at handling big groups and big personalities too, they won’t let one person dominate or photo-bomb every shot.

“If guests are overly familiar with the photographer they tend to take liberties. There’s always one joker who wants to be in every picture or someone who thinks that they know where the best shots should be taken from.”

A good professional photographer will have the experience and skills to manage the day. They will know how to improvise, handle difficult or Wedding imagechanging light levels, weather conditions and time issues. They will know how to coax the best out of you and your guests too.

Professionals will also have the right equipment for every eventuality.

“I  only use cameras and lenses of superior quality, they are the tools of my trade so I  invest in the best kit and make sure it’s kept in tip top condition. I have back up kit, just in case – you don’t get a second chance at a wedding shoot so always be prepared. I have full, professional indemnity insurance. Every competent professional photographer should have. It’s something well worth checking before you hire someone, without it there’s not much comeback if anything goes wrong.”

Wedding image

Your wedding day is one of the most important days of your life. By all means ask family or friends to take photos too – they are bound to capture some great shots – but it’s worth carefully considering the pitfalls of not having a professional there on the day. These are your treasured memories, so why cut corners? Speak to a professional such as Matt.

Every photographer has their own style so check out their portfolio and find one whose shots you love. Make sure you gel with them too – your photographer will be a huge part of your day so you’d better make sure you get along!

Marquees are unique and provide some great wedding photo opportunities. Why not speak to us about  creating a bespoke and special venue all of your own – call us on 01483 322070 or email